

High-intensity UV light to fight bacteria in packagingmaterials to keep a yoghurt edible for as long as possible high hygiene requirements need to be met alongside the quality of theproduct, as early the filling and packaging process.
Heraeus Noblelight, a world-leading German company for photonics-based solutions, together with Fraunhofer IBP, demonstrated for the first time under real conditions that UV-C (UVGI) disinfection significantly reduces the airborne virus load in a classroom.
Viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms spread through tiny water droplets in the air, so-called aerosols. They can survive there for a long time and are transmitted from host to host.
Viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms spread through tiny water droplets in the air, so-called aerosols. They can survive there for a long time and are transmitted from host to host. The risk is particularly high in rooms with many people - such as waiting rooms, offices, gyms or classrooms in schools.
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