

Use ultraviolet lamp tube to sterilize indoor (ward), for leukemia patients are more familiar. But ultraviolet disinfection has a lot of attention, do you know?
The ultraviolet disinfection method can be divided into direct irradiation method and indirect irradiation method. The precautions in using ultraviolet lamp disinfection include the cleaning of ultraviolet disinfection lamp, the environment of ultraviolet disinfection and the case protection measures of ultraviolet disinfection.
UV dose is a direct factor affecting disinfection effect. It is equal to the product of UV intensity (UV irradiance meter) and contact time. Under the same UV intensity, the contact time determines the UV dose.
The sterilization lamp is actually a low pressure mercury lamp. The low pressure mercury lamp is used to emit ultraviolet light by the activation of lower mercury vapor pressure (< 10-2Pa). There are two main emission lines: one is 253.7nm wavelength; the other is 185nm wavelength, both of which are invisible ultraviolet rays.
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